20 Things That Are Important to Me
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It’s a lazy Monday, and I am just getting into the groove after a weekend of sitting around and watching morning misty rains. I want to embrace that relaxed, cozy calm feeling by doing some self reflection writing.
I am inspired by many things today, and one particular phrase I read about stands out for me: “You are what you love.”
So I have decided to reflect on the things that I love:
Why talk about this? I don’t know maybe I need validation, just as many of you need that Facebook “Like” or the “Retweet.” And I do have to say that the positive virtual praise can be addictive. So a little online love is a positive thing for me.
I made a list of the things that I love. These are things that my virtual friends probably don’t know, and they are the little things that show me how beautiful the world really is.
I believe that:
You are what you love and not what loves you.
So guys — here is my list. You might want to try this yourself. It is a great way to put things in perspective again.
- My girlfriend
- My friends
- My dog
- My family (all of them, even those that are far away)
- The gym
- Smoothies
- A good hamburger
- A big breakfast with waffles or pancakes
- Travel
- Camping. (OK! I’m not so good at it, but I do love it)
- Guacamole. I can eat a ton of it
- California
- New Mexico
- New York
- Australia was great
- Being on the farm
- Listening to AMAZING and I mean really amazing music
- Disneyland
- Peace. This is the thing that I love most, I think.
Wow! What an amazing thing to do. Sitting down and taking 15 minutes just to write down a few of the things you love can give you a lot of insight into who you are and into the life you want to lead. It can give you that feeling of peace and tranquility. Cause even when you don’t have a lot of money, you quickly realize that the things you love in life are not all that expensive. Nope, they’re not. In fact, most of the stuff you really love are free. And you often don’t get to enjoy them all that frequently because you are always worried about the things that don’t matter: what others think, your place in life, the money you make, etc.